Joseph Lechuga-IT201-018-Project/Sprint-2
-Feature 1: Mouse position
Input: Mouse location
Output:The X and Y coordinates of the mouse are constantly displayed on screen.
-Feature 2: Create Objects
Input: Mouse Left Click /Right Click
Output: an object is created when the mouse is clicked with the left or right mouse button.
-Feature 3: Change color
input: mouse click, the objects can change color depending on what is selected in the dropdown
-feature 4: change primitive
input: user keyboard, holding W or S changes the objects shape while pressed.
-feature 5: camera movement
input: key click, pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard moves the camera in the world space.
-feature 6: camera look
input: mouse movement, the camera rotates depending on where the mouse is pointed.
-feature 7: Timer
input: A timer counts how long the game has been played for.
-feature 8: Day/Night
input: A slider has been added that affects the time of day of the map.