-Feature 1: Mouse position
Input: Mouse location
Output:The X and Y coordinates of the mouse are constantly displayed on screen.
-Feature 2: Create Objects
Input: Mouse Left Click /Right Click
Output: an object is created when the mouse is clicked with the left or right mouse button.
-Feature 3: Change color
input: mouse click, the objects can change color depending on what is selected in the dropdown
-feature 4: change primitive
input: user keyboard, holding W or S changes the objects shape while pressed.
-feature 5: camera movement
input: key click, pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard moves the camera in the world space.
-feature 6: camera look
input: mouse movement, the camera rotates depending on where the mouse is pointed.
-feature 7: Timer
input: A timer counts how long the game has been played for.
-feature 8: Day/Night
input: A slider has been added that affects the time of day of the map.
-feature 9: Created a new Prefab object to be controlled by the 3 new animation controls.
-feature 10: Created animations that change the size, rotation, and color of the prefab on the screen.
-feature 11: Created a script that changes the state of the animation from its idle (“Bouncing” or changing size) to two different preset animations (rotation and color change). These animation states are activated through the R, F, or V keyboard presses.